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"La Patria es de todos" y todo dominicano merece tener una buena educacion, una vivienda apropiada y alimento en su mesa.

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

Viva la Republica de Lakotah

Esta noticia es algo para compartir de boca en boca, porque a pesar de lo importante que es, la prensa tradicional no le ha dado cobertura y en verdad para mi esta es una gran noticia, la cual me llena de alegria y regocijo y la voy a estar rastreando en su desarrollo para compartirla con ustedes. Siempre me llamo la atencion cuando estudie la historia norteamericana, de que nunca se menciona la parte india con el orgullo y respecto que normalmente ( por lo menos en el caribe, para ser exacto Republica Dominicana) se nos enseña de la valentia y el heroismo de nuestros aborigenes. El cine se encargo de mostrarnos la guerra de los indios y los vaqueros, donde por supuesto los indios eran los malos y los vaqueros los buenos. Nunca se muestra la realidad historica de que personas de otras tierras llegaron aqui y lo despojaron de lo que era de ellos, me llena de sastifacion que hoy en el 2008, todavia existan aborigenes y que luchen por su causa.
La india, que con orgullo lleva este seudonimo en honor a la sangre india que lleva en sus venas le da la bienvenida a la nueva nacion soberana Republic of Lakotah

Republic of Lakotah

We would like to make a special acknowledgement of all the Indigenous Nations and Independence Movements who have contacted us with their support.

Aho! We've had more than half a million hits on our website in one week! Thanks for your interest and support

Pilameya! Many thanks to all people who are sharing their support and solidarity with us. People from more than 100 different nations have visited our website. The whole world is watching!
The Lakota Freedom Delegation is the powerful realization of an ongoing process lasting no less than 33 years. Despite criticism the Delegation does not speak for the Lakota people, Delegation representatives have been in ongoing communication with the traditional chiefs and treaty councils all across Lakota.

With this in mind, the Delegation does not act for Colonized or “hang around the fort indians”, and/or other Lakota people unwilling to be free.

In 1974, the first International TREATY Conference at Wakpala on the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in what is now called South Dakota was where the Declaration of Continuing Independence was created. The first mandate was to become recognized by the International Communities, September 2007, when the United Nations passed the Declaration of Indigenous Rights. See the Map

The second mandate is to return to our original status as free and Independent Nations. On December 17, 2007, Lakota notified the Department of State of the United States of America, we are unilaterally withdrawing from all Treaties and Agreements entered into between the United States of America and Lakota.

Mitaku Oyasin - We Are All Related!
Republic of Lakotah

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